

Umero is a communications workflow server which provides organisations with the ability to reduce the cycle time for transaction processing between internal systems and customers.

An outgoing transaction to a customer typically starts with the customer backend system sending the transaction through Umero’s Integration Modules, then routed through a series of Automated or Human Operations before being delivered to one or more Umero Communications Modules. An outgoing transaction is similar except that it works in the opposite direction. 

Umero server provides a framework where transactions are routed from one module to another by Umero’s workflow engine.

i. Umero Module – Every Umero module performs a specific operation on the transaction which it receives from the workflow. New modules are provided as the technologies evolve to protect the client’s investment in the Umero framework. The modules are categorised into Integration, Communications, Automation and Web modules.

ii. Umero Workflow Engine – Umero has a graphical workflow configurator which allows the Administrator to create workflows which routes the transaction between the different modules. Routing can be based on simple “Pass” / “Fail” results of each module, or the rules intepreter of the “Director” module. Each Umero is capable of supporting hundreds of workflows to support the organisations’s processes. Due to its graphical representation of the workflow, they are easily understood and can be designed and modified by the Umero Administrator.

The purpose of Integration modules is to provide a code free interface between the client’s backend system and Umero for sending and receiving transaction data. To connect to the backend system, the type of system connection must first be determined, and the relevant Umero connector selected for the integration. A module channel is then assigned to connect a specific process to the system using the provided System access credentials. This ensures that every workflow is correctly and securely connected without risk of data contamination or unauthorized access. Standard Integration.

Filegate Module

Umero Filegate integrates with in-house applications by means of XML and/or text files. For outbound traffic, job data is used for routing, template merging, etc. For inbound traffic, files contain job data from preceding workflow connectors (eg, fax, ocr, etc).

Datagate Module

Datagate connector integrates with in-house applications by means of database. For outbound traffic, job data is used for routing, template merging, etc. For inbound traffic, database will contain job data from preceding workflow connectors (eg, fax, ocr, etc).

MQ Module

MQgate connector integrates with IBM MQ through uploading of xml attachments to a selected MQ queue. When an xml attachment is uploaded to Umero, it creates and sends a job / transaction to the MQ queue. Notifications for the processing status of the job can be added for the queue. 

Mailgate Module

Mailgate connector integrates with email servers through secure SMTP. For outbound traffic, email headers contain data used for routing and template merging. For inbound traffic, email body contains job data from preceding workflow connectors (eg. fax and ocr).

sFTPgate Module

sFTPgate connector integrates with FTP servers through secure FTP. For outbound traffic, FTP file contains metadata used for routing, template merging, etc. For inbound traffic, FTP file contains job data from preceding workflow connectors (eg, fax, ocr, etc).

PrintConnect Module

PrintConnect integrates with DMS and CRM applications its document print driver 

API Module

Umero API enables connection to cloud and external applications through secured API channels.